yes, my cheeks are purple!!

I went to the site yesterday for Extreme Home Makeover to volunteer. It was around 36 degrees when I got there and the wind was howling! (it was 21 when we left). I was layered up though and had on my ski pants, thank goodness for those, the only thing that was really cold was my face and it was covered most of the time...the wind was brutal. We got on the bus under the Kemah bridge and got bussed over to the build. It was amazing, so much going on, so many people scurrying around, heavy equipment beeping, trucks in and out. Craziness, but such a feeling of community. When we got off the bus, the team heading out was clapping, cheering and high-fiving all of us, it got us pumped up! We got put to work immediately building a walkway from one block thru a horse pasture and to the other, stopping across from the house, or I should say at this point, the site where the house will be. It was already gone when I got there... We laid 2X4's for about 200 yards, then 8 foot plywood on top then connected them all together. My arms are sore from carrying plywood! Luckily my hubby sent me with some leather work gloves, they saved the day! It took us, about 30 of us, about 2 hours to do this. It was freezing, but when we got moving it was bearable. We were walking back to the warming tent and I was clapping my hands to keep them warm and one of the guys from the construction company in a golf cart asked if my hands were cold and gave me hand warmers to put in my gloves! How cool! It really helped for a bit. We were fed a warm dinner and had plenty of coffee and went back to work. We laid a floor in the VIP tent, more plywood, for another hour then we were done. The walk back to the bus stop was about 1/4 mile, but it seemed longer! We hooped and hollered at every truck waiting to deliver stuff, we had horns honking all down the street...bet the neighbors love this!! Actually they have all been great I hear, especially the one across the street with a huge tent in their front yard!! All in all it was great, next week should be warmer and more fun stuff to do.... hopefully I can get out there and get more pics!
Stay Warm!
What an incredible experience!! Well, except for the purple cheeks :D Can't wait to see more work and especially the family's reaction.
Ah, Kris, that is so cool. What a remarkable story. And a great memory. So cool to be a part of something so special.
I'm so glad you get to be part of it! And yes, your cheeks are purple, but I couldn't miss those blue eyes for a mile! You are blessing those people, and being blessed in return. Keep sending the photos our way. I can imagine the excitement!
hi, I'm coming from forgetfulone.
it is very kind of you to be part of it.
I never saw a purple cheek before. looks like a blush on to me.. :)
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