Then it was time for my birthday again... they keep coming closer and closer together! Guess that's better than the alternative! ;) After that I got another job. The one I had was at a private day school and it was good, but I'm not cut out to be a teacher and I had a class of 3 year olds on Tuesdays and a class of 4 year olds on Thursdays. I was ready to pull my hair out on those days! Bless teachers hearts! SO.... I got another job, my dream job... at a scrapbooking store!! I am working at the Scrapbook Junkie and love it! Come see me if you're in the area! The days fly by and it's fun to help people get into the hobby! Then it's time for Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays! We had the usual fare with the family! Good times and good eats! Next is the hustle and bustle of Christmas, but the Grinch in me came out.... I had no extra money to spend this year.... but it worked out, lighter than in the past, but everyone was happy. Just glad to get this year over with and pray 2010 is better, it has to be, hopefully it can't be any worse....
We did have a Christmas miracle in our family this year though! Nick's cousin has been sick for a while with a bad heart. In and out of the hospital numerous times. The doctors would think they got it fixed then he'd go down again. Finally put him on UNOS for a heart. Not really sure how long he was on the list, but Nick and I were heading out to shop for Trey on Thursday the 17th of December, and his mom called to tell us they were on stand-by, meaning, be ready they may have a heart for him. Then around 2:30 they told them to head to the hospital, it was a match and after a few more tests, they may do surgery that night! When it happens, it happens fast! Sure enough, in the wee hours of the morning of the 18th, he got a new heart! Last time we saw him, he looked pretty bad, and had a backpack and port line for medication that he had to have 24/7. So it couldn't have come at a better time. He came through surgery with flying colors, and was in CICU for a few days, then to a regular room for a day or two then home for Christmas!
If that isn't a miracle, I don't know what is! One week almost to the day, home with a new heart!
He was given the greatest gift this year, from a stranger! We are so grateful and his family has their husband and dad back! We have said many prayers during this for the donor family and the doctors and they have all been answered!
Our Christmas was crazy as usual! 4 get togethers and lots of food and whew, I'm in a food coma... so much junk, sweets and food non stop! Tonight I'm making a real dinner and will try to stay away from the leftovers!
No work until Wednesday, so hope to get this pit cleaned up and all that laundry done! No rest for the weary!
Hope you all have a Happy New Year!