Well, it's that time again! School Days! My "little" boy is going to 6th grade!?! Where does the time go? Seems like just yesterday he was going into Kindergarten. I know people always told me time files after you have children, and boy they were right. He is 11 and almost as tall as I am! He got an awesome teacher, well 3! This year he will change classes for the first time. He also has a male teacher, for Math and Bible, another first. Tomorrow night is Parent Orientation, I haven't been for years because I have always gone to "Meet the Teacher" day, but I was working this year and couldn't, so I'm looking forward to seeing his classrooms and meeting his teachers. I pray he has a great year! I am going to enjoy having a schedule back, it was a hard summer with both Nick & I working outside the home, trying to find a place for him to go when we were @ work. Thank goodness for Grandparents and friends! I look forward to having some time to enjoy my days alone for a change too. I'll miss him, and the house is very quiet, but I have tons of things to do! Hopefully I can get some scrapping in also! Speaking of summer; it was pretty uneventful. No vacations, Nick won't have time off enough for a while. Trey had fun swimming with friends, got a few bad sunburns along the way! You know kids and sunscreen don't go together. He enjoyed a day at Schlitterbahn with one of his best friends, he loved it! He also had a birthday, kinda sucks for him to have a summer birthday. Ususally his friends are out of town and it's hard to schedule a party. We did finally manage to get one in the weekend before school started. We took a bunch of boys to Putt Putt and they had a blast! Then they all came back here for cake and ice cream and a sleepover. They are all really good kids and such a riot to be around!
We (me, Mimi & Poppy) did take a day trip with Trey and Morgan to Galveston to see all the tree sculptures, carved from oak trees that Ike destroyed. It was amazing and sad at the same time. The sculptures are beautiful, but knowing they were once huge, majestic trees that were standing just before the storm. There are many more that could be done, but we saw around 15. We took the kids on the ferry and watched the dolphins. It was 100 degrees that day, but we did it! Poppy took us for a shrimp lunch at Shrimp N Stuff. If you've never been, I recommend it! Good shrimp at a decent price, just don't ask me where it is, it is stuck in the middle of homes somewhere off of Broadway! Google it!
Until next time,