Nick the "flooded street cop"!
my gf's car that would have had water in it had it still been in the street!
So now I have another dilemma, the tournament is rescheduled for a weekend I'm supposed to be at a family wedding in Dallas. I was looking forward to it as a weekend getaway for Nick and I but now I'm reconsidering going... no I haven't RSVP'd yet, if I had I would be going. I just hate to put in all the work and not get to enjoy the fun part! Plus I'm the course photographer this year and not sure who I could trust to take that over. Well, there is a little time to figure this out.
In other news, Trey's play is this Friday, please keep me him in your prayers. He knows his lines, but during practice the auditorium is empty, when it's full and everyone has an eye on him, Lord knows how he'll react. I know I'll be a nervous nelly!
Mom and Dad left on their cruise yesterday for 7 days, they'll have a blast! Can't wait to hear all about it!
I fell crappy today, not sure what is with me, but I was hoping to get back to the gym today, at least this week! It's almost summer and I am in no shape for a swimsuit!